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Why I practise

As a teenager I had enjoyed reading the book, Seven Years in Tibet. During my twenties I tried to become a Christian but wasn’t able to make the leap of faith. I became interested in “altered states of consciousness” through reading Carlos Castaneda and trying out hallucinogenic drugs a little. Then I got into yoga. I still had a feeling that some dimension was not active due to maybe a lack of faith. I had a powerful sense that I couldn’t reach the end of my life without further exploration.

Meditation was becoming more widely known (Beatles etc). This intrigued me but at the same time I was concerned that it might be linked to some sort of “dodginess”. A friend was practising Samatha and Raj Yoga, and took me to the new class that was beginning in the autumn. It was good! I was 27 years old.

What was taught seemed uncomplicated, free from “dodginess”, friendly and happy. I took to it. The process of practice has often shifted. It has resolved earlier conflicts. I feel happier, more balanced and settled, and having the sense of being on a path with somewhere good to go has taken away much of the doubt.