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Growing confidence

Taking responsibility for self in the here and now
Pushing the boundaries of pressure, chaos and un-control back and away
Calming them too, without denying them
Discovering a context of calm, dispassion and clarity within
To function and deliberate (or is it liberate?) as a matter of personal determination
Exercising more objectivity without being passive in the everyday
Taking responsibility for that exercise

Not flapping in someone else’s wind – not quite as much, anyway!
Enjoying better harmony with others and being less judgmental of myself and others
Perceiving and partaking of a liberating emptiness – if only occasionally

Uncoiling the spring, while improving resilience
Finding compatibility between contraries
Acting and counteracting

Noticing and un-noticing
Closeness and distance

Having the confidence to take an interior journey of exploration
To handle the resulting glimpses of self-understanding

Unconsciously, without particular deliberation
Relying on that unproved/improved self-understanding
In shaping my experience and interactions with others more positively,
Less tensely and therefore more productively and enjoyably than before.